- Pasang inverter dengan mengunakan baut yang sesuai dengan ukuran lubang pada body inverter,fungsinya agar inverter benar-benar terpasang,dan tidak getar agar umur inverter lebih lama
- Pastikan ukuran kabel power input dengan kabel output kemotor memakai ukuran kabel yang sesuai dengan kapasitasnya,karena jika kita memakai ukuran kabel lebih kecil dari kapasitasnya akan mengakibatkan kabel menjadi panas
- ketika kita pasang kabel kemotor / drive lihat namaplate motor,tegangan star berapa volt delta berapa volt,karena banyak kejadian sering terjadi kesalahan terminasi kedrive / motor,jika terjadi kesalahan maka akan merusak motor atau inverter jika settingan safety tidak disetting dengan baik
- setelah kabel power suplay dan output kemotor atau drive sudah terpasang dengan baik langkah selanjutnya yaitu,kita pasang kabel control untuk menjalankan inverter dengan remote,yaitu dengan manual memakai swicth atau push button maupun remote melaui control plc
- langkah selanjutnya kita cek wirring control dengan benar,
Fungsi terminal
- R1A : ⇛ NO (normaly open) contact untuk relay R1
- R1B : ⇛ NC (normaly close) contact untuk relay R1
- R1C : ⇛ COM untuk relay R1
- COM : ⇛ analoq I/O common 0 volt
- AQ1 :⇛ analoq output
- AI3 : ⇛. 0-20 mA (or 4-20 mA current analoq input
- AI2 : ⇛ 0 ± 10V voltage analoq input
- AI1 : ⇛ 0 + 10V voltage analoq input
- 10V : ⇛ Power supply for reference potentiometer
- +24 : ⇛ Digital input power supply
- R2A : ⇛ NO contact of programmable relay R2
- R2C
- STO : ⇛ STO (Safe Torque Off) input
- P24 : ⇛ Output power supply for digital inputs and STO
- DQ+ : ⇛ Digital output
- DQ–
- PE : ⇛ Protective earth
- DI6 : ⇛ If programmed as digital inputs, same characteristics as DI1 to DI4 DI5 can be programmed as pulse input 20 kpps (pulse per second). DI6 can be used as PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) using
- DI5
- DI1 : ⇛ forward
- DI2 : ⇛ reverse
⏩ kita setting parameter sesuai pada nameplate motor
➤ TCC ➜2/3 wire control
➤ CFG ➜ macro config selection
➤ IPL ➜ stop type-I/P phase loss
➤ CFG ➜ macro config selection
➤ IPL ➜ stop type-I/P phase loss
➤ BFR ➜ standart motor frequency. lihat pada namplate motor
➤ NPR ➜ nominal motor power. lihat pada namplate motor
➤ UNS ➜ nominal motor tegangan. lihat pada namplate motor
➤ NCR ➜ nominal motor current. lihat pada namplate motor
➤ FRS ➜ nominal motor frequency. lihat pada namplate motor
➤ TFR ➜ max motor frequency
➤ NSP ➜ nominal motor speed
➤ ITH ➜ motor thermal current
➤ HSp ➜ high speed
➤ TA 2 ➔ End ACC ramp rounding
➤ TA 3 ➔ start DEC rounding rounding
➤ TA 4 ➔ End DEC rounding coeff
➤ HSP2 ➔ high speed 2
➤ HSP3 ➔ high speed 3
➤ HSP4 ➔ high speed 4
UFR ➔ ir compensation
SLP ➔ slip compensation
SFC ➔ K speed lopp filter
SIT ➔ Speed time integral
SPG ➔ Speed propotional gain
SPGU ➔ Inertia factor UF law
DCF ➔ Fast stop ramp coefficient
IDC ➔ DC injection current 1
TDI ➔ DC injection time 1
IDC2 ➔ DCinjection current 2
TDC2 ➔ DC injection time 2
SFR ➔ Drive switching freq
CLI ➔ Internal Current limit
CLI2 ➔ Internal Current limit 2
FLU ➔ Motor flixing configur
TLS ➔ Low speed time out
JGF ➔ Jog frequency
JGT ➔ Jog delay
SP2 ➔ Preset speed 2
SP3 ➔ Preset speed 3
SP4 ➔ Preset speed 4
SP5 ➔ Preset speed 5
SP6 ➔ Preset speed 6
SP7 ➔ Preset speed 7
SP8 ➔ Preset speed 8
SP9 ➔ Preset speed 9
SP10 ➔ Preset speed 10
SP11 ➔ Preset speed 11
SP12 ➔ Preset speed 12
SP13 ➔ Preset speed 13
SP14 ➔ Preset speed 14
SP15 ➔ Preset speed 15
SP16 ➔ Preset speed 16
SRP ➔ +/- speed limitation
RPG ➔ PI propotional again
RIG ➔Internal gain PI regulator
RDG ➔ PID derivative gain
PRP ➔ PID ram
POL ➔ PID regulator min output
POH ➔ Max PID output
PAL ➔ Minimum fdbk alarm
PAH ➔ Maximum fdbk alarm
PER ➔ PID error alarm
PSR ➔ PID speed input %ref
RP2 ➔ 2nd PI preset referency
RP3 ➔ 3nd PI preset referency
RP4 ➔ 4nd PI preset referency
IBR ➔ Breake release current
IRD ➔ Rev breke release current
BRT ➔ Breake release time
BIR ➔ Breake release frequency
BEN ➔ Breake engage frequency
TBE ➔ Breake engage delay
BET ➔ Breake engage time
JDC ➔ JUmp at reversal
TTR ➔ time to restart
TLIM ➔ Monitoring torque limit
TLIG ➔ Generator torque limit
Put the cursor on the grafic keypad version.
Then push the button ENTER for 5s,untin the grafic keypad displays again the menu 2.identification
Then go to the menu 1.3 configuration
select menu FULL
Then you will see the HIDDEN MENU
choose the appli hidden menu
after that you will be able to see the word Apxx
Then go down up to the Application 17 and write 1
enter menu NTID
your select atv320 or atv32
➤ ITH ➜ motor thermal current
➤ ACC ➜ acceleration ramp time
➤ DEC ➜ deceleration ramp time
➤ LSP ➜ low speed➤ HSp ➜ high speed
➤ AC2 ➜acceleration 2 ramp time
➤ DE2 ➔ deceleration 2 ramp time
➤ TA 1 ➔ start ACC ramp rounding➤ TA 2 ➔ End ACC ramp rounding
➤ TA 3 ➔ start DEC rounding rounding
➤ TA 4 ➔ End DEC rounding coeff
➤ HSP2 ➔ high speed 2
➤ HSP3 ➔ high speed 3
➤ HSP4 ➔ high speed 4
UFR ➔ ir compensation
SLP ➔ slip compensation
SFC ➔ K speed lopp filter
SIT ➔ Speed time integral
SPG ➔ Speed propotional gain
SPGU ➔ Inertia factor UF law
DCF ➔ Fast stop ramp coefficient
IDC ➔ DC injection current 1
TDI ➔ DC injection time 1
IDC2 ➔ DCinjection current 2
TDC2 ➔ DC injection time 2
SFR ➔ Drive switching freq
CLI ➔ Internal Current limit
CLI2 ➔ Internal Current limit 2
FLU ➔ Motor flixing configur
TLS ➔ Low speed time out
JGF ➔ Jog frequency
JGT ➔ Jog delay
SP2 ➔ Preset speed 2
SP3 ➔ Preset speed 3
SP4 ➔ Preset speed 4
SP5 ➔ Preset speed 5
SP6 ➔ Preset speed 6
SP7 ➔ Preset speed 7
SP8 ➔ Preset speed 8
SP9 ➔ Preset speed 9
SP10 ➔ Preset speed 10
SP11 ➔ Preset speed 11
SP12 ➔ Preset speed 12
SP13 ➔ Preset speed 13
SP14 ➔ Preset speed 14
SP15 ➔ Preset speed 15
SP16 ➔ Preset speed 16
SRP ➔ +/- speed limitation
RPG ➔ PI propotional again
RIG ➔Internal gain PI regulator
RDG ➔ PID derivative gain
PRP ➔ PID ram
POL ➔ PID regulator min output
POH ➔ Max PID output
PAL ➔ Minimum fdbk alarm
PAH ➔ Maximum fdbk alarm
PER ➔ PID error alarm
PSR ➔ PID speed input %ref
RP2 ➔ 2nd PI preset referency
RP3 ➔ 3nd PI preset referency
RP4 ➔ 4nd PI preset referency
IBR ➔ Breake release current
IRD ➔ Rev breke release current
BRT ➔ Breake release time
BIR ➔ Breake release frequency
BEN ➔ Breake engage frequency
TBE ➔ Breake engage delay
BET ➔ Breake engage time
JDC ➔ JUmp at reversal
TTR ➔ time to restart
TLIM ➔ Monitoring torque limit
TLIG ➔ Generator torque limit
Sample setting
cara mengaktifkan fan agar selalu running
cara activate HIDDEN MENU pada ATV320 ke ATV32
Go to the menu 2. IDENTIFICATION
Put the cursor on the grafic keypad version.
Then push the button ENTER for 5s,untin the grafic keypad displays again the menu 2.identification
Then go to the menu 1.3 configuration
select menu FULL
Then you will see the HIDDEN MENU
choose the appli hidden menu
after that you will be able to see the word Apxx
Then go down up to the Application 17 and write 1
enter menu NTID
your select atv320 or atv32
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